Wishing you a fruitful 2017! 2016.12.20 Studio KU+ thanks all of you for your ongoing support in 2016 and we wish you a fruitful year 2017.The studio will be closed for the holidays from 24 December 2016 until 8 January 2017.Happy holidays!!Studio KU+Kaita Shinagawa Facebook - Share Tweet
2024.12.18 HIghlight 2024 Studio KU+ is proud to highlight the projects we implemented in 2024. 2024.12.1 BoogieWood presentation / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheet, MDF, 3D print (FFF) / 36 x 34 x 36cm, excl. pedestal client. VORM Ontwilkkeling / Local /architect.... READ MORE 2024.10.10 Gashouder presentation / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Card board, MDF, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 91 x 91 x 25cm, excl. pedestal client. Westergasfabr... READ MORE 2024.10.9 Tactile Torpedo exhibition / scale. 1:21 / materials. 3D print (FFF), Wood stick, Brass parts, Sand, Okoume Multiplex, Acrylic paint / 40 x 30 x 9cm client. Verzetsmuseum ... READ MORE 2024.10.9 HKN gift model gift model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Khaya Mahogany / 35 x 24 x 15cm client. WRK Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Elena Soler, Anna Kokot 2024 2024.10.9 OLHoS Church tactile model prototype / scale. 1:40 / materials. MDF, 3D print (FFF), Acrylic sheet, Plastic sheet / 50 x 15 x 27cm client. Museum Ons’Lieve Heer op Solder / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2024 2024.6.24 Two tactile audio models unveiled. Together with Hannes Wallrafen a founder of Stichting Geluid in Zicht, we developed the tactile audio models of the Rijksmuseum and the ARCAM Architecture C... READ MORE 2024.6.23 Rijksmuseum tactile-audio model prototype / scale. 1:300 / materials. 3D print (SLS), Acrylic sheet, Stainless steel, MDF, Audio equipments, mixed media / 66 x 45 x 25cm client. Rijksmuse... READ MORE 2024.6.22 Pampus Almere presentation, exhibition model / scale. 1:2000 / materials. 3Okoume multiplex, 3D print (FFF), Acrylic sheet, Sponge sheet / 310 x 300 x 5cm client. Gemee... READ MORE 2024.6.21 DH8 Airport Station presentation and exhibition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. 3D print (FFF), Acrylic sheet, Acrylic tube, MDF, mixed media / 60x50x15cm client. Delft Hype... READ MORE 2024.6.20 Dialoog Maquette research and presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. MDF, Foam, mixed media client. Hogeschool van Amsterdam / architect. BURA / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Anna Kokot 2024 - Ongoing 2024.6.19 De Nieuwe Meer 2 presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Wood veneer, MDF, 3D print (FFF), Acrylic sheet, mixed media / 95 x 91 x 6cm client. Gemeente Amsterdam / ar... READ MORE 2024.4.19 Arcam tactile-audio model tactile model / scale. 1:40, 1:1000 / materials. Acrylic sheet, MDF, 3D print (FFF, SLA), Stainless steel, mixed media / 1:40. 87 x 60 x 38cm / 1:1000. 47 x... READ MORE 2024.4.10 De Werf Almere presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 90 x 65 x 12cm client. Open Development / archit... READ MORE 2024.4.9 Havenstraatterrein presentation, exhibition / scale. 1:300 / materials. 3D print (FFF), MDF, Acrylic sheet, Acrylic block / 200x190x9cm excl. pedestal client. Gemeente Amste... READ MORE 2024.1.11 Tactile-audio model projects collaborating with Stichting Geluid in Zicht. Together with Hannes Wallrafen a founder of Stichting Geluid in Zicht, we are developing the tactile audio models of the Rijksmuseum and the ARCAM Architect... READ MORE 2024.1.11 Highlights 2023 2024.1.11 Haarlem Schalkwijk gift model / scale. 1:700 / materials. Oak, mixed media / 10 x 10 x 13cm client. Dalpha Real Estate B.V. / architect. KOSCHUCH Architects / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Stevie Doherty 2023 2024.1.11 SoZa presentation model / scale. 1:250 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 142 x 85 x 52cm client. VORM / architect. BARCOD... READ MORE 2024.1.10 Buiksloterham Update 2023 presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. PU foam, 3D print (FFF), Card board, mixed media / 300 x 300 x 20cm (original) client. Gemeente Amsterdam Rui... READ MORE 2023.9.5 Hofplaats (tentative) presentation, exhibition model / scale. 1:150 / materials. Acrylic sheet, PE sheet, Cardboard, Wood veneer, Sticker, MDF, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 92x9... READ MORE 2023.9.4 Alles op een rijtje presentation, exhibition model / scale. 1:100 / materials. 3D print (FFF), acrylic spary / size. diverse client. funda / architect. Dingeman Deijs Architect... READ MORE 2023.9.4 New entrance for visitors to the Dutch Parliament was presented. The new model for Rijksvastgoedbedrijf, de Architekten Cie, and Karres en Brands. The model of a new public entrance of the Dutch Parliament was presented o... READ MORE 2023.6.15 NDW21 presentation, exhibition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 84 x 60 x 8cm client. De Meeuw / arc... READ MORE 2023.6.12 Houtrak presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Triplex, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 60 x 40 x 27cm client. VORM / architect... READ MORE 2023.6.5 NL Pavilion Expo 2025 Osaka presentation model / scale. 1:80 / materials. Paper, Metal wire, Acrylic sheet, MDF, Maple veneer, Cardboard / 67 x 31 x 20cm client. Ministry of Foreign ... READ MORE 2023.5.17 KB Boekenmagazijn presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Maple, Aluminum, Birch multiplex, Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF) / 77 x 68 x 10cm client. Central Government R... READ MORE 2023.4.19 Amsterdamse Poort presentation, exhibition model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF) / 257 x 96 x 110cm *incl. pedestal clients. CBRE, ... READ MORE 2023.4.18 Klaprozenbuurt presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF), Beech wood, Multiplex, mixed media / 46 x 40 x 9cm client. Open Development / ... READ MORE 2023.4.18 Binckhorst 1:300 Update presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF) / 528 x 404 x 110cm *incl. pedestal client. VORM / architects... READ MORE 2022.11.18 Stories exhibition model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheet, MDF, Maple veneer, Card board, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 57 x 37 x 160cm *incl. pedestal cl... READ MORE 2022.11.18 UCG presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Maple veneer, Teak veneer, Acrylic sheet, MDF, mixed media / 40 x 40 x 12cm client. Rijksuniversiteit Gronin... READ MORE 2022.11.18 Smartwoning presentation, exhibition model / scale. 1:25 / materials. Acrylic sheet, MDF, Cardboard, 3D print (FFF) / 24 x 30 x 37cm, 36 x 30 x 37cm client. Vastbouw /... READ MORE 2022.11.18 Hoge Vrijheid & De Lusthof presentation model / scale. 1:250, 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF), Beechwood, Multiplex, mixed media / 42 x 30 x 30cm, 85 x 60 x 6cm clien... READ MORE 2022.11.18 Tropen gift model gift model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Multiplex (box) / 19 x 11 x 31cm *excl. box client. KIT Royal Tropical Institute / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Radhika Vibhakar 2022 2022.11.18 Anecdotes Cartoon Exhibition "We dreamed of nothing but enlightenment" - Moses Mendelssohn exhibition model / scale. N/A / materials. Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF), MDF, Vene... READ MORE 2022.9.29 Intern wanted! Studio KU+ is looking for you! Are you interested in how our projects are made? Do you wonder what it’s like to work in our new studio? Is modelmaking yo... READ MORE 2022.7.29 Studio KU+ is going to move! 2022.7.6 Delft Hyperloop VI presents: The hyperloop experience What kind of transportation do you think will exist in the future? Hyperloop could become a normal part of your life. We are sponsoring and having a p... READ MORE 2022.7.4 Hyperloop presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Veneer, 3D print (FFF&SLA), Plastic profile, Acrylic tube, MDF, mixed media / 69 x 49 x 15cm *... READ MORE 2022.6.26 The City Tilburg presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. acrylic sheet, triplex, cardboard, 3D print (FFF), MDF, mixed media / 68 x 120 x 50cm client. Magis Vastgoed... READ MORE 2022.6.25 Well House presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Pine profiles, Card board, Maple veneer, 3D print (FFF), MDF, mixed media / 74 x 74 x 208cm *i... READ MORE 2022.6.24 Cultuurcluster Berlijnplein competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Beech wood, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 62 x 40 x 12cm client. BINX Smartility B.V. / archite... READ MORE 2022.6.23 REWRITE exhibition model / scale. N/A / materials. 3D print (FFF), MDF, Beech stick, mixed media / 337 x 24 x 27cm client. Shigeo Arikawa /shrine supervision.... READ MORE 2022.1.27 Highlights 2021 2021.12.16 2021 dispatched! Season’s greetings from the very merry team at Studio KU+. The team at Studio KU+ wishes you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year. Thank yo... READ MORE 2021.12.15 Studios 070 + Katwolder presentation model / scale. 1:250, 1:300 / materials. 3D print (FFF), Beech wood, Multiplex, mixed media / 42 x 30 x 6cm, 42 x 30 x 15cm client. Open Develo... READ MORE 2021.12.14 P.J.Blokhof presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. 3D print (FFF), Multiplex, Acrylic sheet, mixed media / 55 x 50 x 6cm client. FSD / architect. Groosman Archi... READ MORE 2021.12.4 Buikslotermeerplein presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. 3D print (FFF), High-density foam, Acrylic sheet, MDF, mixed media / 270 x 120 x 18cm client. Gemeente Amster... READ MORE 2021.12.3 AM4 chocolate gift chocolate / scale. 1:1000 / materials. Silicon mould, Chocolate / 10 x 10 x 8cm client. Equinix / architect. Benthem Crouwel Architects / Chocolatier. ... READ MORE 2021.11.20 Prodock 2.0 presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Pine profiles, Maple veneer, 3D print (FFF), Multiplex, mixed media / 87 x 52 x 12cm architect... READ MORE 2021.11.16 Ma of the city scale 1:21.4 3D manuscript / scale. 1:21.4 / materials. Card, Paper, Acrylic, Plastic profiles, 3D print (FDM), mixed media / 44 x 32 x 7cm Collection Vedute Foundation ... READ MORE 2021.10.14 Vedute Nieuwe Manuscripten The founder of Studio KU+, Kaita Shinagawa is going to participate in the project of Vedute Foundation. He is invited to create a 3D manuscript as visualize... READ MORE 2021.10.14 BuurtBoost exhibition model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic blocks, Acrylic sheets, 3D print (FFF), LED, Sound system / D180 x 120cm *incl. pedestal client. VORM... READ MORE 2021.10.13 Stationplein Almere Phase 1+2 presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, Paper, MDF, mixed media / 167 x 147 x 125cm *incl. pedestal client. Kroonenberg G... READ MORE 2021.10.12 Karspeldreef 14-16 (Amstel III) presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF) / 19 x 13 x 24cm client. Wooden City Karspeldreef B.V. / architect. Van Belle &... READ MORE 2021.10.11 Hettenheuvelweg 8-10 (Amstel III) presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. 3D print (FFF), Acrylic sheet / 10 x 9 x 15cm client. B-Right Hettenheuvelweg BV / architect. Studioninedots ... READ MORE 2021.9.9 Haarlemmermeer Town Hall presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Triplex, Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF), MDF / 40 x 23 x 5cm architect. RAU Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Radhika Vibhakar 2021 2021.9.7 Zierer Dark Ride presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. Acrylic sheet, 3D print (STL), Paper, LED, mixed media / 65 x 87 x 27cm client. Leisure Expert Group / team. K... READ MORE 2021.8.5 Diepeveen presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Triplex, Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF), MDF / 85 x 33 x 16cm client. Dura Vermeer / architect. Diederendirrix... READ MORE 2021.7.6 ‘Choose to connect’ a part of the exhibition ‘THE HIGH GROUND’ by IABR 2021 The final exhibition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam - DOWN TO EARTH has been started in the Biesboschhal, Dordrecht. It's an honor to ... READ MORE 2021.7.6 Choose to connect - IABR 2021 exhibition model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF), PU resin, Multiplex, mixed media / 45 x 30 x 15cm each architec... READ MORE 2021.6.4 Kaap 1:200 presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 150 x 90 x 25cm client. Amvest, COD / architect... READ MORE 2021.6.3 Kaap 1:2500 presentation model / scale. 1:2500 / materials. Maple veneer, Acrylic sheet, Wood, 3D print (FFF), MDF / 95 x 80 x 3cm client. Amvest, COD / architect. Powe... READ MORE 2021.6.2 Three Generation House presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. Birch multiplex, Hardhout / 24 x 16 x 33cm client. Shelter At Home llc / architect. BETA / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2021 2021.6.1 Omval | Do Amsterdam competition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, Triplex, MDF, mixed media / 57 x 46 x 15cm client. Heutink Groep / architect. Olaf ... READ MORE 2021.6.1 Earthship Exhibition model / scale. 1:50 / materials. Acrylic sheet, MDF, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 119 x 29 x 12cm client. MUSEON / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Radhi... READ MORE 2021.5.31 Binckhorst 1:300 presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF) / 528 x 404 x 110cm *incl. pedestal client. VORM / architect. ... READ MORE 2021.1.7 Highlights 2020 Studio KU+ is proud to present a highlight of the projects we have implemented in 2020. 2020.12.15 (202) 0 to 1 Although 2020 has been an exceptional and challenging year for us and anyone, Studio KU+ has been blessed with wonderful projects throughout the year. We’d ... READ MORE 2020.12.15 Tropenmuseum Ornaments - UPCYCLING up-cycled accessory series / scale. none / materials. Acrylic sheets, Metal fittings / ca. 0.8 x 1.3 x 0.3cm diverse team. Kaita Shinagawa, Radhika Vibhakar... READ MORE 2020.11.4 TUe presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Crardoard, MDF, mixed media / 90 x 42 x 12cm architect. VenhoevenCS / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Radhika Vibhakar 2020 2020.11.4 Lloyd Yard+Babel Lloydpier presentation model / scale. 1:150 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Triplex, Cardboard, MDF, mixed media / 110 x 80 x 30cm clients. Kondor Wessels, AM / architec... READ MORE 2020.10.4 The Newton presentation model / scale. 1:150 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Triplex, Cardboard, MDF, mixed media / 95 x 65 x 25cm client. COD / architect. Diederendirrix... READ MORE 2020.9.4 Nassau Bergen 1:500 presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Triplex, Multiplex Poplar, mixed media / 100 x 80 x 6cm client. Nassau Bergen / architect. Se... READ MORE 2020.9.4 Nassau Bergen 1:20 presentation model / scale. 1:20 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Meranti wood, Oak veneer, MDF, mixed media / 40 x 30 x 98cm client. Nassau Bergen / architect.... READ MORE 2020.9.4 Juf Nienke presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Triplex, Cardboard, MDF, mixed media / 30 x 30 x 14cm client. Peters Projectontwikkeling / ar... READ MORE 2020.8.18 Hoektoren | Tropenmuseum exhibition model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Acrylcast, Diverse wood, 3D print (FFF) / 130 x 160 x 50cm client. Nationaal Museum van Wereldcu... READ MORE 2020.7.24 Summer Greetings 2020 Studio KU+ wishes you a happy summer! 2020.6.18 Studio SPOLIA Four months ago, our students at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam started ‘Studio SPOLIA’ which combined with the design project and research projec... READ MORE 2020.5.4 Yèvre park Landscape design graduation project 2020: Academy of Architecture Amsterdam University of the arts / scale. 1:500 / materials. MDF sheet, Acrylic sheet, 3D... READ MORE 2020.4.7 We Keep On Making First of all, Studio KU+ team wishes all the best for your health and safety in the current situation caused by the COVID-19 virus. We hope peaceful days re... READ MORE 2020.4.1 Rebstockbad competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Cardboard, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 36 x 32 x 2.5cm architect. VenhoevenCS, MOW Architekte... READ MORE 2020.3.5 Cityzen - Park Mozaïek competition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Plastic sheet, MDF, Cardboard, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 60 x 60 x 45cm client. Whitewood,... READ MORE 2020.3.3 Grasbrook competition model (phase 1+2) / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic blocks, Acrylic sheet, Oak wood, High-density foam, MDF, Cardboard, mixed media / 260 x 25... READ MORE 2020.3.2 Highlights 2019 - second half Studio KU+ is proud to present a highlight of the projects we have implemented in the second half of 2019. 2020.2.7 A'DAM CITY model exhibition model / scale. 1:1000 / materials. MDF sheet, Sticker, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 300 x 300 x 8cm client. A’DAM LOOKOUT / base model. Fiction... READ MORE 2020.1.2 Amstelkwartier - CLIFF competition model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Oak veneer, Oak, Plastic film, Multiplex, mixed media / 61 x 41 x 26cm client. COD / architec... READ MORE 2019.12.17 Holly Jolly Holiday! Thanks to your continuous support, Studio KU+ has reached the 10th anniversary in 2019. We are committed to continue providing you with high quality works i... READ MORE 2019.11.29 Konijnstein presentation model / scale. 1:20, 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, MDF, 3D print (FFF), Plaster, Multiplex, mixed media / 108 x 73 x 130cm clie... READ MORE 2019.10.26 Buiksloterham B2 presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, MDF, mixed media / 36 x 20 x 26cm client. Kraaipan bv / architect. Xoomlab, René ... READ MORE 2019.10.26 Buiksloterham B2 presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Cardboard, 3D print (FFF), MDF, mixed media / 55 x 55 x 6cm client. Kraaipan bv / architect.... READ MORE 2019.10.21 West Beat gift gift model / scale. 1:800 / materials. urethane resin, gold leaf, beech, wenge, mahogany / 10 x 8 x 10cm client. West Beat Ontwikkeling / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2019 West Beat 1:100 model 2019.10.10 BinckHorst presentation model / scale. 1:600 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Acrylic blocks, Oak, Cardboard, mixed media / 85 x 85 x 22cm architect. OZ Architecten / team... READ MORE 2019.9.30 Holland Park West - Diemen Hout competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Triplex, Plastic sheet, Acrylic sheet, Cardboard, mixed media, MDF / 55 x 55 x 6cm client. De Nijs, BMB ontwik... READ MORE 2019.9.18 Buiksloterham blok A8 presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheet, MDF, mixed media / 8 x 10.5 x 10.5cm architect. Studioninedots / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Ashton Kang 2019 2019.9.17 New Babylon presentation, exhibition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Urethane resin, Cardboard, 3D print (FFF), mixed media, MDF / 42 x 29 x 6cm architects. Urban E... READ MORE 2019.9.16 EKP competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Triplex, Acrylic sheet, cardboard, Multiplex, mixed media / 89 x 45 x 18cm client. SBK Vastgoed B.V. / archite... READ MORE 2019.9.13 VDMA presentation model / scale. 1:1000 / materials. Triplex, 3D print (FFF), Acrylic blocks, Multiplex, mixed media / 42 x 29 x 14cm client. Mooi ontwikkelt, AB... READ MORE 2019.9.1 VENHUIZEN houses presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Triplex, Acrylic sheet, Cardboard, mixed media / House #7. 14 x 7 x 3cm, House #9. 12 x 7 x 3cm architect. Mi... READ MORE 2019.7.30 Summer break 2019 Studio KU+ will be closed for summer break from 5 August to 16 August. Enjoy ice cream and have a great summer!! 2019.7.1 A cocoa farm of the future presentation model / scale. no scale / materials. Paper, Clay, Metal wire, Mixed media, Foam, Birch plywood / 80 x 40 x 20cm client. Barry Callebaut / desig... READ MORE 2019.6.17 Buiksloterham 2040 presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. High-density foam, Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF), Card board, MDF, mixed media / 300 x 300 x 20cm client. Gem... READ MORE 2019.6.5 The Right to Build exhibition model / scale. 1:100 / materials. 3D print (FFF), Plywood, Epoxy resin / size variable architect. KRFT / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Christianna Tsigk... READ MORE 2019.6.3 BinckHorst exhibition model / scale. 1:1000 / materials. High-density foam, Acrylic sheet, Card board, MDF, mixed media / 120 x 120 x 20cm client. VORM / architect. LE... READ MORE 2019.6.3 BinckBlocks exhibition model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF), Card board, MDF, mixed media / 55 x 60 x 140cm client. VORM / architect. LEVS ar... READ MORE 2019.5.15 Rathaus der Zukunft mg+ presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Card board, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 29 x 23 x 13cm architect. KAAN Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Ernesto Yélamos 2019 2019.4.9 Schiphol Trade Park - Hotel presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Mahogany veneer, Beech veneer, MDF, mixed media / 100 x 60 x 50cm client. NECRON / architect. ... READ MORE 2019.3.26 Mobilis competition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Polyurethane resin, Plaster, Card board, MDF, mixed media / 90 x 60 x 14cm client. D’Ieteren Im... READ MORE 2019.3.15 Trafo station exhibition model / scale. 1:6 / materials. Acrylic sheet, MDF, Metal wire, MDF, Card board, 3D print (FFF), mixed media / 120 x 80 x 40cm client. Voltens / ... READ MORE 2019.3.5 Pompenburg exhibition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Cardboard, Acrylic sheet, 3D print (FFF), MDF, Mahogany veneer, mixed media / 80 x 65 x 40cm client. Synchroon,... READ MORE 2019.1.15 Ons Dorp competition model / scale. 1:1000 / materials. Beech, mixed media / 50 x 40 x 6cm architect. Marc Koehler Architects / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Edgars Rožkalns 2019 2018.12.21 Oostenburg K2-A/C presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Veneer, MDF, 3D print (FFF), Cardboard, mixed media / 55 x 32 x 20cm architect. Bureau Fraai / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Edgars Rožkalns 2018 2018.12.19 Wishing You A Multiple Happy New Year! Studio KU+ thanks all of you for your ongoing support in 2018 and we wish you a multiple happy new year. The studio will be closed for the holidays from 2... READ MORE 2018.12.5 Het Dok presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Mahogany veneer, Wenge veneer, Triplex, MDF, Acrylic sheet, Jesmonite, mixed media / 112 x 80 x 44cm develope... READ MORE 2018.12.4 Student Experience International Amsterdam presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Triplex, Acrylic sheet, Multiplex, Cardboard, mixed media / 120 x 70 x 40cm client. Student Experience / arch... READ MORE 2018.11.30 Oostenburg eiland presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Acrylic sheet, Veneer, Triplex, Cardboard, MDF, mixed media / 255 x 130 x 40cm developer. VORM / architect. D... READ MORE 2018.11.7 Binck Eiland presentation model / scale. 1:300 / materials. Wenge veneer, Triplex, Acrylic sheet, MDF, Cardboard, mixed media / 90 x 74 x 18cm developer. Binck Zuid, Loc... READ MORE 2018.11.6 De Walvis presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. MDF, Acrylic sheet, MDF, Jesmonite, Plastic profile, mixed media / 50 x 50 x 25cm developer. Maarsen Groep / ... READ MORE 2018.9.28 Nispen Laren presentation model / scale. 1:150 / materials. Mahogany veneer, Wenge veneer, Acrylic sheet, MDF, Cardboard, mixed media / 116 x 86 x 24cm developer. De Dom... READ MORE 2018.9.26 The Charged Void presentation model | Architecture graduation project 2019: Academy of Architecture Amsterdam University of the arts / scale. 1:1500 / materials. Brass... READ MORE 2018.8.21 Scalescape Trotec Design Award 2018 submission / scale. diverse / materials. Trolase, Acrylic sheet / 20 x 20 x 20cm Studio KU+ original / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Gerty... READ MORE 2018.8.1 Summer break 2018 Studio KU+ will be closed for summer break from 6 August to 24 August. Hop on a duck and enjoy summer!! 2018.5.25 Smakkelaarspark competition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Cardboard, Acrylic sheet, 3D print(SLA), MDF, mixed media / 93 x 35 x 30cm developer. Lingotto / architect. St... READ MORE 2018.5.25 Ethar - Honoring Generosity presentation model / scale. 1:150 / materials. Plastic profile, Acrylic sheet, Resin, Color paper, MDF, mixed media / 140 x 85 x 19cm scale. 1:20 / material... READ MORE 2018.4.23 Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder Addition exhibition model (addition) / scale. 1:15 / materials. MDF, 3D print (FFF), diverse materials / diverse size exhibition design. Theo Tienhooven / team. Kait... READ MORE 2018.3.30 De Meester van Haarlem 1:200 presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Beech veneer, Acrylic sheet, MDF, Cardboard, Plastic sheet, mixed media / 55 x 55 x 19cm developer. COD / arc... READ MORE 2018.3.15 De Meester van Haarlem 1:50 presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. Beech veneer, Acrylic sheet, MDF, Cardboard, Plastic textured sheet, mixed media / 50 x 20 x 32cm developer. C... READ MORE 2018.1.22 Oostenburg Kavel 4+5 competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Plaster, Cardboard, Acrylic sheet, Triplex, MDF, 3D print (FFF), Oak, Brass profile / 46 x 32 x 14cm developer... READ MORE 2017.12.19 May your 2018 sparkle! Studio KU+ thanks all of you for your ongoing support in 2017 and we wish you a sparkling new year 2018. The studio will be closed for the holidays from 23 ... READ MORE 2017.12.12 SUD Amsterdam presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. Beech, Plane tree, Acrylic, Laminate paper, MDF, mixed media / 105 x 100 x 30cm developer. COD / architect. O... READ MORE 2017.10.28 Doll’s House at Arcam Dolls’ House Project is traveling and now coming to Amsterdam. The Dolls’ House Project is a traveling exhibition of Dolls’ Houses, each designed and asse... READ MORE 2017.10.19 REBEL competition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. Brass profile, MDF, Acrylic sheet, mixed media / 84 x 42 x 26cm developer. Synchroon / architect. Studioninedo... READ MORE 2017.9.18 Intern wanted! Studio KU+ is looking for an intern An internship in our studio is a learning experience in the field of model making. The practice combines craftsmanship... READ MORE 2017.8.1 Summer break Studio KU+ will be closed for summer break from 7 August to 25 August. Happy holidays!! 2017.7.19 West Beat presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. MDF, Acrylic sheet, Polystyrene sheet, Foam board, mixed media / 65 x 50 x 42cm developer. Lingotto / archite... READ MORE 2017.5.30 NPD strook competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. 3D print (FFF), Cardboard, Acrylic sheet, MDF, mixed media / 60 x 40 x 13cm developer. AM / architect. Studion... READ MORE 2017.5.20 Europe in Africa ‘Europe in Africa’ for the exhibition ‘Solution or Utopia? Design for refugees’ at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam exhibition model / scale. 1:10000 / materials.... READ MORE 2017.5.19 Europe in Africa for the exhibition Solution or Utopia? Design for refugees Europe in Africa (EIA) is a proposal for a new city - state founded on an artificial island built on the shallow Tunisian Plateau right between the Ex... READ MORE 2017.4.19 Zeeburgereiland ‘HOEKWONING’ ‘SPLIT LEVEL’ presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. MDF, acrylic sheet, diverse materials / ‘HOEKWONING’ 38 x 17 x 23cm, ‘SPLIT LEVEL’ 38 x 12 x 23cm archit... READ MORE 2017.4.10 My future is in my past and my past is my present - Tudor Bratu Studio KU+ has been working closely with an Amsterdam based artist, Tudor Bratu who was invited to present his work in a groupshow at Arti et... READ MORE 2017.4.1 BlackJack Nominee for Amsterdam Architecture Prize 2017 – De Gouden A.A.P. 2017, exhibition ‘Gouden A.A.P. 2017’ at ARCAM exhibition model / scale. 1:200 / materials.... READ MORE 2017.3.31 BlackJack for Amsterdam Architecture Prize 2017 The ten nominated buildings for the Amsterdam Architecture Prize 2017 – De Gouden A.A.P. 2017 are now on the show at ARCAM Architecture Center Amsterdam.&nb... READ MORE 2017.2.26 A house in Siena presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. plaster, gold leaf, brass mesh / 15 x 10 x 6 cm architect. B22, MIDE / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2016 2017.1.31 Totem ‘Totem’ for the exhibition ‘30 architects’ at Pavillon de l’Arsenal exhibition model / scale. 1:10 / material. Birch plywood / 50 x 50 x 200 cm archite... READ MORE 2017.1.5 Museum Quadrat Bottrop competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Polystyrene sheet, Cardboard / 14 x 10 x 3cm architect. Felix Claus Dick van Wageningen Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2017 2016.12.20 Wishing you a fruitful 2017! Studio KU+ thanks all of you for your ongoing support in 2016 and we wish you a fruitful year 2017. The studio will be closed for the holidays from 24 Decem... READ MORE 2016.12.19 Vlotwateringbrug ‘Vlotwateringbrug: The Bat-bridge’ for the Dutch Design Awards Show during the Dutch Design Week 2016 exhibition model / scale. 1:75 / materials. poly... READ MORE 2016.12.13 Exhibition 30 architects Our new work for Dutch architects Monadnock will be presented at the exhibition '30 architects' at Pavillon de l'Arsenal in Paris. Opening '30 archi... READ MORE 2016.11.29 Dolls' House - POPPENHUIS’ WERELD prototype / scale. no scale / materials. MDF, 3D print (FFF), magnet / 15 x 11 x 16 cm each architect. Atelier PUUUR / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Marion Blume, Mika Yamakoshi 2016 2016.10.22 Building U presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. Acrylic sheets, Beech wood, Beech veneer, MDF / 120 x 50 x 14cm architect. Proof of the sum / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Sae Honda 2016 2016.10.5 The Brutality of Facts ‘The Brutality of Facts’ for the exhibition ‘The Measure of our Traveling Feet’ at Marres exhibition model / scale. 1:50 / materials. cement, brick grains, ... READ MORE 2016.10.4 Smiley presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materals. polystyren sheet, foam, cardboard, diverse materials / 83 x 29 x 14 cm architect. Studioninedots / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2016 2016.9.23 The Measure of our Traveling Feet The exhibition ‘The Measure of our Traveling Feet’ will open at Marres, House for Contemporary Culture in Maastricht on Saturday 24 September. Studio KU+ ... READ MORE 2016.8.25 The Shell for a prototype machine prototype / scale. 1:1 / material. acrylic sheet / shell A: 87 x 42 x 38 cm, shell B: 85 x 54 x 14 cm client. ECCO Leather / design. Innovation Lab ECC... READ MORE 2016.7.9 Stick World 'Stick World' for the exhibition ‘Gabriel Lester's Unresolved’ at De Appel arts centre exhibition model / scale. no scale / materials. multiplex, polycarbon... READ MORE 2016.6.26 Hermès Paris - Sculpture with Glass house presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. Beech wood, Acrylic sheet / 35 x 28 x 42cm design. Studio Drift / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Kohei Yamakoshi 2016 2016.6.25 Gabriel Lester's Unresolved The exhibition ‘Gabriel Lester’s Unresolved’ opens at De Appel Arts Center in Amsterdam. Studio KU+ has realized a sculptural piece contributed and designed... READ MORE 2016.6.14 Fibonacci Amsterdam presentation model / scale. 1:1000 / materials. 3D print (FFF), acrylic sheet, mdf, PS sheet / D55 x 8 cmdeveloper. VORM Ontwikkeling / architect. The ... READ MORE 2016.4.26 Hackable Cityplot - IABR 2016 IABR-2016-THE NEXT ECONOMY is now on show. Studio KU+ has been taking part in the exhibition of Hackable Cityplot and realized a 1:250 model of the Bui... READ MORE 2016.4.21 EDC Las Vegas 2015 presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. mdf, 3D print (FFF), plastic profile, polystyrene, clay, diverse materials / 128 x 205 x 10 cm des... READ MORE 2016.3.3 TIM New Headquarters presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. SLS 3D print, acrylic sheet, cardboard / 135 x 172 x 150 cm architect. UNO-A Architetti Associati / mode... READ MORE 2015.12.4 Villa Endymion presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. mdf, cardboard, card, pvc sheet, polystyrene sheet, 3D print(FFF), diverse materials / 26 x 66 x 26 cm a... READ MORE 2015.12.4 Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder exhibition model / scale. 1:15 / materials. mdf, acrylic sheet, diverse materials / 156 x 43 x 118 cm exhibition design. Theo Tienhooven / team. K... READ MORE 2015.10.22 Tussenstop competition model / scale. 1:25 / materials. acrylic stick, balsa wood, multiplex, branch, vinyl sheet, 3D print (FFF) / 75 x 47 x 15 cm design. Polyes... READ MORE 2015.9.24 Museum Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder opend Museum Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder (Our Loard in Attic) has been opened as the renewed museum on 22nd September after years of restoration and building a new ... READ MORE 2015.6.30 OCC competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. walnut, ash, pear, sapele, african padauk, beech / 25 x 14 x 7 cm (excl. neighboring buildings) developer... READ MORE 2015.6.15 Studio relocated! We are excited about our new studio at Gedempt Hamerkanaal 111. Studio KU+ is now located across the IJ channel, Amsterdam Noord, in a former warehouse wh... READ MORE 2015.4.1 Lovers and Coffins maquette adaptation for the script / scale. 1:25 / materials. multiplex, 3D print(FFF), metal fittings, diverse materials / 33 x 54 x 27 cm scriptwrite... READ MORE 2015.3.10 City Campus 1 Tilburg presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. acrylic block, diverse wood, veneer sheet, triplex / 20 x 18 x 10 cm architect. LEVS Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2015 2015.2.5 Ertskade competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. cherrywood, mdf, cardboard, paper, acrylic sheet, diverse materials / 110 x 160 x 15 cm developer. Kondor... READ MORE 2015.1.8 Café Oostoever presentation model / scale. 1:100 / materials. MDF, card board, pvc sheet, vivak sheet, plastic profile / 45 x 30 x 20 cm developer. Oostoever Vastgoed... READ MORE 2014.12.3 Bloemendaal presentation model / scale. 1:1000 / materials. birch veneer, cherry wood, copper mesh, acrylic sheet, mdf / 50 x 30 x 8 cm architect. XVW architectuur... READ MORE 2014.10.31 Danzigerkade competition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. acrylic sheet, 3D print(FFF), mdf, cardboard, diverse materials / 40 x 40 x 10 cm architect. The Cloud Co... READ MORE 2014.8.24 Lucent Hilversum presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. mdf, cardboard, paper, plastic sheet, 3D print (FFF), diverse materials / 52 x 47 x 40 cm architect. Stud... READ MORE 2014.6.27 YAP MAXXI 2014 competition model / scale. 1:100 / materials. colored paper, cardboard, sandpaper, fabric, diverse materials architect. B22 / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2014 YAP/ the Young Architects Program on MoMA 2014.4.11 The Transforming City exhibition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. acrylic sheet, polystyrene sheet, colored paper, cardboard, metal fittings, mdf, foam, diverse materials exhibi... READ MORE 2014.3.12 A Disquieting Suggestion exhibition model / scale. 1:70 / materials. tile adhesive, plaster, mdf, beech veneer, 3D print (FFF), diverse materials artist. Tudor Bratu /&nbs... READ MORE 2014.2.13 EDC Kinetic Cathedral presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. 3D print(FFF), modeling clay, acrylic sheet, mdf, cardboard, polystyrene sheet, diverse materials&n... READ MORE 2014.2.2 TUDOR BRATU A Disquieting Suggestion (after Maclntyre) The opening of exhibition "TUDOR BRATU A Disquieting Suggestion (after Maclntyre)" by an artist Tudor Bratu will take a place on 6 February 2014 at the art ... READ MORE 2013.12.20 website reborn! To conclude the busiest year for Studio KU+ as well as to welcome another successful year in 2014, we proudly launch a new website. reborn Studio KU+ websitepowered by Kai Takihara (NISOR) 2013.12.11 Transforming City Studio KU+ has been involved to realize the exhibition models for the exhibition "Transforming City" at 2013 Bi-City UrbanismArchitecture Biennale Hong Kong... READ MORE 2013.11.17 A Model For Savamala research project / scale. 1:200 / materials. Spanish house, Geozavod: acrylic sheet, foam, diverse researcher. A Model For Savamala (Boba Stani, M... READ MORE 2013.11.16 A Model For Savamala A Model For Savamala is part of the Urban Incubator, a project of Excellence by Goethe-Institut in Belgrade. Studio KU+ has been invited to give a worksho... READ MORE 2013.11.9 Silos exhibition model / scale. 1:100 / materials. acrylic tube, acrylic plate, mdf, pvc sheet, diverse materials architect. Xaveer De Geyter Architects / te... READ MORE 2013.11.8 XDGA_160_EXPO XDGA_160_EXPO by Xaveer De Geyter Architects (Brussels, Belgium) starts from 8th November. Studio KU+ have been involved to realize their important projects... READ MORE 2013.10.30 De Heldringschool competition model / scale. 1:150 / materials. cardboard, diverse paper, mdf, foam, diverse architect. Berger Barnett architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2013 2013.6.7 SWEETS exhibition model / scale. 1:50 / materials. cardboard, mdf, pvc sheet, diverse materials / 30 x 30 cm x various height architect. space&matter / team. ... READ MORE 2013.6.7 SWEETS The exhibition SWEETS, about Amsterdam’s bridge control buildings. Computerization of the bridges’ operating system means that these buildings will soon bec... READ MORE 2013.4.25 Gem Houses 2013 S/S collection original necklace and earrings / scale. 1:1000 / materials. acrylic, diverse metal fittings2013 2013.4.25 Things That Tell Things that Tell: pop-up art event by 23 artists 4 days pop-up shop filled with products made specifically for this event by artists, designers, writers, ra... READ MORE 2013.3.20 Peetersschool presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. cardboard, diverse paper, MDF, foam, diverse architect. Berger Barnett architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Georgina Ferrer 2013 2013.2.10 Kwatrijnstable presentation model / scale. 1:150 / materials. Veneer wood, cardboard, plastic profile, metal wire, pvc sheet, mdf architect. Vista / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Georgina Ferrer 2013 2012.12.24 Rheinlehne Pratteln Basel presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. cardboard, mdf, pvc sheet, diverse materials architect. Studioninedots / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Georgina Ferrer 2013 2012.12.1 boxXshop 2012 Studio KU+ in collaboration with Tomohiko Murakami, have come back and participated the pop-up Christmas gift market 'boxXshop 2012' in Lloyd Hotel Amsterda... READ MORE 2012.10.13 Cityplot exhibition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. cement, acrylic block, mdf / 69 x 60 x 15cm architect. Studioninedots / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Georgina Ferrer 2012 2012.10.13 Nieuwe Oogst 2012 'The city of the future. Exhibition Nieuwe Oogst 2012' at Arcam: Architecture Center Amsterdam opens 13 October 2012. Studio KU+ has been involved to visual... READ MORE 2012.9.1 Foodcenter Amsterdam competition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. cardboard, plastic sheet, mdf, diverse materials developer. AM / architect. HVDN architecten / landscape. Vista / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2012 2012.6.26 Macro Lot Ya competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. cardboard, acrylic plate architect. Studioninedots / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2012 2012.6.18 IWZ competition model / scale. 1:2000 / materials. acrylic plate, card board architect. Claus en Kaan Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2012 2012.3.16 TRUE LIES: BHSF office talks Kaita Shinagawa, as a part of an Amsterdam architects group, has been invited to give a talk on 'TRUE LIES - The fifth series of the BHSF office talks' has ... READ MORE 2012.2.1 Carlsberg Brewhouse competition model / scale. 1:50 / materials. polystyrene sheet, foam, plastic profiles project team. DAY, Ijsfontein, Elastik Architecture / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2012 2012.1.12 Hoge Raad presentation model / scale. 1:200 / materials. acrylic plate, mdf, plaster architect. Claus en Kaan Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2011 2011.12.9 Over the Red Light District exhibition model + exhibition display / scale. 1:200 / materials. acrylic block, acrylic plate, foam, diverse wires and metal fittings exhibitor. Tsaih... READ MORE 2011.12.9 Over the Red Light District The exhibition "Over the Red Light District" by Boundary Unlimited (Tsaiher Cheng) has been opened from 9 December till 20 January 2012. Studio KU+ has be... READ MORE 2011.12.1 Gem Houses for boxXshop original necklace and earrings / scale. 1:1000 / materials. acrylic, gold or platinum leaf, diverse metal fittings limited edition accessories for boxXshop 2011 - 2012 2011 2011.12.1 boxXshop 2011 Studio KU+ in collaboration with a carpenter/craftsman Tomohiko Murakami from Japan, will be participating and bring you gifts for Christmas at boxXshop in ... READ MORE 2011.11.24 vd Polweg Delft competition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. cardboard, acrylic sheet architect. Studioninedots / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2011 2011.11.5 Instant house 2011 Studio KU+ realized a model of the Instant house 2011 pavilion, designed by a team of denieuwegeneratie and B22, is exhibited during the MADE expo architect... READ MORE 2011.10.5 Instant House exhibition model / scale. 1:50 / materials. acrylic block, cork board, mdf architect. denieuwegeneratie + B22 / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2011 2011.8.1 Studio KU+ refreshed! Studio KU+ refreshed its visual identity to commemorate the 2nd anniversary and moving of the studio. Many thanks to Masaaki Oyamada who has been working on... READ MORE 2011.7.20 Kavel 1 presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. vivak, cardboard, diverse card, foam, veneer architect. Studioninedots / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2011 2011.7.1 Wallpaper* Holiday House The model for "Wallpaper* Holiday House" designed by Olaf Gipser Architects has been published on Wallpaper* magazine July 2011 issue: Architects Directory ... READ MORE 2011.6.9 Wallpaper* Holiday House publication - exhibition model / scale. 1:50 / materials. veneer wood, vivak, acrylic plate, beads, mdf architect. Olaf Gipser Architects / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2011 2011.3.24 Lammenschanspark presentation model / scale. 1:500 / materials. acrylic block, plastic sheet, card board developer. Ymere / architect. HVDN architecten / landscape. Karres e... READ MORE 2011.1.29 KMSKA exhibition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. veneer wood, mdf, acrylic plate, polystyrene sheet architect. KAAN Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa, Model&Objekt 2011 photo. Sebastian van Damme 2011.1.29 Musea in de 21e eeuw The exhibition "Musea in de 21e eeuw (Museums in the 21st Century)" opens on 29 January 2011 - 30 April 2011 at the KMSKA (Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp... READ MORE 2010.10.25 Museum der Weltkulturen competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. acrylic, plastic sheet, card board architect. Claus en Kaan Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2010 2010.10.16 Ibba presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. veneer wood, paper, foam board, card board architect. de+ge architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2010 2010.9.20 Holon New City Square competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. card board, pvc sheet, plastic sheet, paper architect. Wimgender Hovenier Architecten, BK Architects / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2010 2010.9.12 USCC exhibition model / scale. 1:50 / materials. mdf, Veneer wood, Foam architect. space&matter / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2010 2010.9.12 WEST ARCH The exhibition "WEST ARCH" opens on 12 September - 14 November at Ludwig Forum, Aachen. studio KU+ has involved in a part of this exhibition with spac... READ MORE 2010.8.1 Visegrad competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. MDF, acryl plate architect. space&matter, sprikk, STANICSHINAGAWA DESIGNS / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2011 2010.6.8 Dreef exhibition model / scale. 1:250 / materials. acrylic plate, pvc sheet, foam, veneer wood architect. Claus en Kaan Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2010 2010.3.20 Oostvaardersplassen competition - exhibition model / scale. 1:200 / materials. veneer wood, vivak sheet, pe sheet, wood profile, card board architect. Olaf Gipser Architects + ... READ MORE 2009.11.1 De Autarc presentation model / scale. 1:25 / materials. mdf board, vivak sheet, metal mesh, wood profile, plastic profile, card board, paper, plastic sheet architect.... READ MORE 2009.10.14 The Making of Vrijstaat Amsterdam The exhibition "The Making of Vrijstaat Amsterdam" opens on 14 October - 29 November as a part of the 4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam at D... READ MORE 2009.10.5 chocolat De Appel gift chocolate / scale. 1:300 / materials. chocolate, silicon mold architect. denieuwegeneratie architecten / chocolate casting. Van Soest Chocolatier / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2009 2009.10.1 De Appel presentation model / scale. 1:50 / materials. foam board, paper, plastic sheet, pp sheet, cork board architect. denieuwegeneratie architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2009 2009.9.27 Paleis van de Volksvlijt exhibition model / scale. 1:1000 / materials. japanese paper, plastic stick, wood exhibitor. MUST stedebouw / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2009 2009.9.27 Vrijstaat Amsterdam The exhibition "Vrijstaat Amsterdam (Free State of Amsterdam)" opens on 27 September - 08 November as a part of the 4th International Architecture Biennale ... READ MORE 2009.9.26 China Tea Jelly Town research project / scale. 1:400 / materials. tea jelly (4 flavors), ontbijtkoek, mylar film, wood researcher. Nest Project, Boundary Unlimited / team. Kaita Shinagawa, UNOBENTO 2009 2009.9.26 China Tea Jelly Town China Tea Jelly Town has taken a place at the China Town Tea Festival Amsterdam on 26 September. studio KU+ has participated as a collaborator to build up t... READ MORE 2009.9.1 FLOAT competition model / scale. 1:5 / materials. cardboard, craft paper design. Buro Jasper Bode / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2009 2009.8.20 Swiss Re competition model / scale. 1:500 / materials. acrylic, plastic sheet, mylar film architect. Claus en Kaan Architecten / team. Kaita Shinagawa 2009 2009.7.1 studio KU+ launched! Studio KU+ [kuh∙plˈʌs] is bravely launched in Amsterdam. We provide high quality scale representations of the projects or proposals for the clients with u... READ MORE